G-G9BPSW8JQZ Leadership Institute | GCU
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The Gnostic Catholic Union
Leadership Institute

The world-class pastoral leadership training and consulting services offered by the Gnostic Catholic Leadership Institute provide bishops, priests, deacons, and laypeople the opportunity to become more competent and self-assured in their ministry, allowing them to articulate a vision for their local church, call on the talents of those they oversee, and build more vibrant faith communities based on gnostic catholic theology.

Certificate in Pastoral Studies

Contact Bishop Jason Jones, G.S.J., S.T.L., M.S., D.Min., Ed.D. 
Prerequisite: Foundations in Gnostic Catholic Theology certificate
Tuition:  $100.00



The Certificate in Pastoral Studies represents the heart of what most people think of when conceptualizing ministry, and what it’s all about.  Listening, empathy, respect for, and sensitivity to difference; are all encompassed by pastoral theology.  Pastoral theology is the basis on which one can consider the title “Pastor;” it is the domain in which the minister meets the seeker most intimately and honestly.   To be a priest today involves the recognition that a counselee may come to you with wildly different belief systems, lifestyles, or basic assumptions about the spiritual world; pastoral theology equips the minister to assist in handling these and many—in fact any—personal and interpersonal relationships may arise without overstepping the bounds of professionalism or personal integrity.  (English language only).

  • Module 1:  Pastoral Theology 

  • Module 2:  Local Church Leadership 

  • Module 3:  Pastoral Ministry in Ordinary Time 

  • Module 4:  Finding the Divine in All Things 

  • Module 5:  Management and Leadership for Ministry 

Certificate in Liturgical Studies 
Contact Bishop Jason Jones, G.S.J., S.T.L., M.S., DMin.,Ed.D. 

Prerequisite: Foundations in Gnostic Catholic Theology certificate

Tuition:  $100.00


The Certificate in Liturgical Studies 

 (English language only).


  • Module 1:  Principles and Practices 

  • Module 2:  Eucharist and Sacramental Theology 

  • Module 3:  Liturgy, Prayer, and Contemplation: Ecclesial Spirituality

  • Module 4:  Liturgical Methods 

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