The Making of a Gnostic Jesuit
Becoming a Gnostic Jesuit
The Gnostic Jesuits seek out those who feel called by the Divine and who possess:
a deep personal love for scholarship and the holy texts.
a habit of prayer which develops into action.
sufficient self-knowledge.
good religious practice.
an intellectual capability.
a sense of sociability and availability.
a strong desire - zeal for being a Gnostic Jesuit!
A candidate prepares to enter the Gnostic Jesuits by submitting a Spiritual Journey Essay and a Reason for Applying Essay and completing a period of discernment and formation.
The Gnostic Jesuits will then welcome the novitiate into the community, and they become a Gnostic Jesuit Brother or Sister. They then begin the process of continued formation and incorporation into the body of the Gnostic Society of Jesus.
The Stages of Gnostic Jesuit Formation
Novitiate and
First Studies
The Gnostic Jesuit novice begins their academic work as scholastic.
They study philosophy and theology and deepen their Gnostic Jesuit identity through continued formation and the completion of the Bachelor of Theology from The Gnostic Catholic Union Seminary and publishes at least one paper. Upon completion the novitiate is normally either ordained as a Deacon or accepted as a lay brother or sister.
The Gnostic Jesuit scholastic then begins more in-depth scholarly research and deepens their Gnostic Jesuit identity through continued formation, the completion of the Master of Theology from The Gnostic Catholic Union Seminary, and publishes two additional papers.
Gnostic Jesuit scholastics then move on to more formal theological studies which prepare them for priestly ordination through the completion of the Licentiate of Sacred Theology from The Gnostic Catholic Union Seminary and publishes a minimum of two additional papers.
The Gnostic Jesuit scholastic then receives the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The priest is now available for his first assignment as a Gnostic Jesuit Priest.
In addition to some external ministry, the Gnostic Jesuit brothers sisters, and priests will be assigned to some position within the society that promotes and supports The Gnostic Society of Jesus.
Now initial formation is complete—Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam.
Bishop Jason Jones, G.S.J., S.T.L., M.S., DMin., Ed.D.
Rector and Academic Dean of The Gnostic Catholic Union Seminary