Affiliate Ministries
The Gnostic Catholic Union is committed to serving the Gnostic Catholic community through a variety of organizations we call our “affiliate ministries. Affiliates broaden the ministry of The Gnostic Catholic Union, through focused faith development opportunities and providing opportunities for service reflection and renewal for persons of all ages.
The World College of Gnostic Catholic Clergy
was constituted to create a unified presence for the Gnostic Christian jurisdictions in the World, providing a network of communication among these groups.
Catholic Universalist Church of Asia Pacific
has signed a Concordat of Intercommunion with the Gnostic Catholic Union, strengthening our bond and allegiance to other Gnostic Churches worldwide while preserving their diverse teachings and practices.
The Gnostic Society of Jesus
is a scholarly religious order engaged primarily in religious education. It exists to seek out, encourage, and publish faithful scholarship for the Gnostic Catholic / Christian community through the production and dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed works to be included in a quarterly scholarly journal entitled “The Gnostic Jesuit".